Antioxidants Research Group was born in the Food Technology Department of the University of Lleida on 1995. The research unit have a broad research experience in the field of the virgin olive oil composition and in the field of food bioactive compounds. This experience can be amounted in the near to 100 international publications (ISI) and 20 projects funded by Spanish government and local organisms, emphasizing 12 CICYT and 3 big collaborative projects with food companies directly related to the field of food bioactive compounds.

Research activities in Antioxidants are mainly focused on:

  • The development and validation of improved analytical methods for the determination of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, carotenoids, bioactive peptides, glutation, vitamin C, β-glucans,…) of foods and food ingredients.

  • The development of in vitro and in vivo models to study the digestibility, bioavailability, metabolism and tissue distribution of food bioactive compounds and their metabolites, and its application to human interventional studies for validation of health claims.El desarrollo de modelos in vitro e in vivo para el estudio de la digestibilidad, biodisponibilidad, metabolismo y distribución en tejidos de los compuestos bioactivos y sus metabolitos.